a Hildegard von Bingen - Monument Berta K. and Karl S.
I chose Hildegard
von Bingen (1098-1178) as the protector of my project for the following
reason: with her visions and experiments she contributed to the enrichment of
our life. Berta K. and Karl S. were simple citizens of the city of
Oberstein. They both shaped me by their way of living and wisdom.
was a convinced Christian and was involved in a lot of church work. HE
instead believed more in nature and took care of his fruit trees. Due
to the life-long battle about his fruit plantation Karl S. decided not to be
buried at the local private cemetery. He chose the German Baltic instead. His
wife volunteered to follow his there - although it was always her desire to be
buried in the vicinity of the "Church in the Rock".
wedding anniversary of their daughter - bombs fall on
Idar-Oberstein - birth of thie project with later
execution - builder´s feast of the "Fuhrshütte"
PROJECT DESCRIPTION The monument Berta K. right next to the
"Church in the Rock" (address: Im Gebück 2) consists of the following: a
photograph, a wooden cross, pain relievers, a bottle of "Klosterfrau
Melissengeist", a bottle of "4711", as well as a wooden wall framed by branches
of a life-tree. Attached to the wooden wall are pages of the book called "Spiel
der Kräfte" written by Hildegard von Bingen and pages of the latest edition of
the "Bauhaus Katalog".
The monument Karl S. is situated across from the
"Church in the Rock" on the other side of the valley in the middle of a group of
fruit trees - a place called "Homericher Hof". It consists of stone walls
framed by branches of a life-tree and graffitis out of car varnish, as well as
apples, a bottle of Nahe wine, and pages of a do-it-yourself handbook.
Another element of this project is the stem of an oak tree which is 12
meters long, weighs several tons, and is split into four pieces. During the
course of time it will be worked into sculptures for a planned sculpture park of
the city of Idar-Oberstein.
The ancient passage
across the Nahe River - with its 300 year old ferryman`s residence "Fuhrshütte"
at the end of the city - builds the scene for a HAPPENING. Part of this
happening is a soul boat which is supposed to be a reminder of the couple Berta
and Karl, the ferry service, as well as the poor life filled with privations of
simple people of past times.
The body of the soul boat is made from
boards of the former ROCK-Ruin, the mast from the branch of one of Karl S.`s
apple trees, the sail from pages of the do-it yourself book and pages of the
book by Hildegard bon Bingen.
Inside the boat you will find apples,
wine, pain relievers, and candles as additions.
A moon will shine at the
shore. This moon will be donated to the local church council to be placed
inside the new cage right by the "Church in the Rock", in order to please the
citizens of Oberstein.
And Oberstein not only shines in the summer time